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Number Go Up

What Is Number Go Up?

What Is Number Go Up?

Number Go Up, or NgU for short, is bitcoin slang that originated to characterize the price of Bitcoin since the number goes up and is designed to go up forever. The term has evolved to mean more than just the price of Bitcoin. It can be applied to almost everything in the Bitcoin industry since there are so many numbers that go up and may continue to go up …forever.

Bitcoin Price NgU

The price of Bitcoin is most undoubtedly the most often mentioned metric for valuing Bitcoin. With a finite amount of Bitcoin in circulation and a slowing supply until the final Bitcoin is produced in 2140, the price of Bitcoin will continue to rise as global demand for bitcoin continues to grow.

In simple terms, the price of bitcoin is designed to go up forever.

Block Height NgU

Tick tock. Next block. Just like clockwork, the Bitcoin network continues to mine new blocks at a rate of about 1 block every ten minutes. This is an incredibly important metric because Bitcoin doesn’t care what the rest of the world does or says. It’s a politically agnostic software that is owned and operated by both everyone and no one. All it does is keep mining blocks and adding them to the blockchain as we move closer to hyperbitcoinization one block at a time.

Hashrate NgU

The hashrate is another fascinating number that will go up over time. As more miners across the world compete for those fresh new sats from the block reward, the hashrate will inevitably rise with the price. With bitcoin mining becoming a topic of conversation with energy producers, hashrate will be a critical metric to monitor.

Simply put, the hashrate tends to follow the price, and since the price of Bitcoin is meant to continue to go up indefinitely, the hashrate will continue to go up along with it.

Flared Gas Mining NgU

With ESG climate change regulations on the rise, oil producers are looking for any way possible to reduce flare fees, increase profitability, and maintain ESG compliance. There is an abundance of stranded energy from oil wells across the globe just waiting to be harnessed and put to work mining bitcoin.

Bitcoin mining with flared gas number go up and is likely to become a focal point of the oil and gas sector in the coming years.

Renewable Energy Mining NgU

With governments all around the world subsidizing the production of renewable energy production, the amount of energy being produced by renewable sources continues to climb. Unfortunately, due to the intermittency of solar and wind, it’s impossible to perfectly match energy supply with demand. Bitcoin miners are quickly becoming the go-to solution to balance the grid supply and demand.

While grid operators are constantly looking for ways to reduce renewable energy waste and eliminate energy curtailment, Bitcoin miners are rising to the challenge.

Your Sat Stack NgU

As long as you stack sats and Hodl, it’s an inevitability that your own personal bitcoin stack will go up. All you need to do is to keep stacking, never stop, and make sure that you Hodl by sending your bitcoin to your own wallet.

If everyone does this, the price number will continue to climb as well.

Auto Stacking NgU

Just a few years ago, there were only a few services that offered the option to buy Bitcoin on a recurring schedule. Luckily, that’s no longer the case. Now, dollar cost averaging (DCA) seems to be one of the favorite methods of protecting yourself from the swings in the bitcoin price without the emotional swings.

With DCA auto-stacking, it’s not about timing the market. It’s about time in the market so the sooner you start auto-stacking, the better off you will be in the future.

Number Of Nodes NgU

Another incredibly important number that continues to rise is the number of nodes that make up the Bitcoin network. With services like MyNode, Start9 Labs, Citadel, RaspberryPi Blitz, BTCPay Server, and others, the number of computers that run the Bitcoin client software and keep a full archival of the blockchain continues to rise.

Running your own Bitcoin full node is an incredible journey of learning that concludes with you having your own copy of the blockchain so you no longer have to trust anyone else to send/receive trasnsactions and verify your address balances.

Running your own full node is possibly one of the most important parts of becoming a full bitcoiner.

Lightning Network NgU

As the most prominent method for scaling bitcoin grows, so does the number of Lightning nodes, payment channels, and the amount of Bitcoin held in those channels. Since The LN is a whole new layer of incentives, it is helping to keep on-chain fees low while increasing transaction density per on-chain tx.

CoinJoin Use NgU

With the addition of Whirlpool on Sparrow Wallet and JoinMarket on nodes like Umbrel, CoinJoin use is on the rise. With each new user, the anonymity set increases and provides more privacy for each and every user in the mix.

As CoinJoin use continues to become more of a default standard, the network as a whole benefits from increased privacy.

Small Address Balance NgU

While many Bitcoin skeptics and FUDsters like to claim that Bitcoin wealth is centralized, the blockchain tells a different story. According to the blockchain data company, Glassnode, the number of Bitcoin addresses with a balance less than .01 BTC is actually on the rise while the number of Bitcoin addresses with a balance greater than x BTC has been on the decline.

As more people begin their journey down the Bitcoin rabbit hole, stack their first sats, and take custody of their bitcoin, the number of Bitcoin addresses will continue to go up.

Bitcoin Pleb NgU

The plebs are the lifeblood of Bitcoin. The plebs run the miners, operate the nodes, manage the payment channels, write the blogs, film the videos, record the podcasts, create the infographics, and shitpost on Twitter. As we continue to orangepill our families, friends, colleagues, and world leaders, the number of plebs will continue to go up.

Corporate Treasury NgU

The game theory of corporate treasuries is yet another exciting number to go up. As governments continue to print money and devalue the savings of anyone holding fiat money, the demand to find a safe place to store corporate treasuries continues to go up. As a number of metrics listed here continue to go up, the number of businesses that decide to hold bitcoin on their balance sheets will continue to go up as well. It’s inevitable really.

Legal Tender Law NgU

In 2021, the small Central American country of El Salvador became the first sovereign nation to require its citizens to accept bitcoin as legal tender. This historic moment brought about a 0 to 1 change that put the small nation on a unique path that the rest of the world will soon follow.

Fiat Supply NgU Infinity

One of Bitcoin’s greatest features is that its supply is limited to only 21,000,000 coins and nobody can change that. Nobody can dilute the amount of bitcoin that you own in relation to the total supply. The same cannot be said about fiat money. Each and every dollar printed dilutes the amount that you own in relation to the infinite fiat supply. This never ending process of monetary inflation will cause prices to rise forever and the value of your labor to be endlessly eroded.