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The Best Bitcoin Memes

Memes have become one of the most influential parts of Bitcoin culture. From shitposting on Nostr and Twitter to dunking on fiat maximalist fools, the best bitcoin memes always seem to rise to the top. If you’re going to successfully orange pill your friends and family, you’re going to need some help from the best bitcoin memes in the world.

Seizing The Memes Of Production

Governments, corporations, banks, and anyone else who thinks they should control bitcoin by controlling the memes of production have no clue what they are up against. Here are the best bitcoin memes that are all about government, corporations, banks, and any other entity that is dumb enough to think that they can control Bitcoin.

We need you to help us in the fight against fiat currency. Mine dank bitcoin memes and share them across the internet to help orange pill your friends and family.

Stay Humble. Stack Sats.

Stay Humble. Stack Sats.
Source: The BTC Therapist
I'm not selling! HODL!
Source: Unknown
Is Bitcoin a religion?
Source: Unknown
DCA Army Stack sats and HODL
Source: Unknown
Bitcoin maximalists agree
Source: Yves Bennaïm
Bitcoin is Undead
Source: Unknown
Bitcoin addiction
Source: Unknown
Government banning Bitcoin
Source: Unknown
Bitcoin is the escape from the Matrix.
Source: Unknown
Bitcoin is not real money
Source: @WojakBitcoin

Bitcoin Mining Memes

Bitcoin mining is one of the most important part of bitcoin and all of the best bitcoin memes available are being produced about as often as new blocks are mined. These memes are sure to keep your phone as full as the mempool is bloated with monkey jpgs.

Bitcoin is bad for the environment
Bitcoin mining FUD – Source: @WojakBitcoin
KYC-Free Bitcoin Exchange
Source: Unknown
Will you mine bitcoin with me?
Source: Unknown

Running Bitcoin Memes

Central banking cartels vs. my raspberry pi bitcoin node

Bitcoin Halving Memes

The Bitcoin Halving Is Near

Bitcoin Vs. Shitcoins

Unfortunately, there are still a lot of shitcoins and scams all over the place that are working hard to swindle you out of your bitcoin. All you need to do is stay humble, stack sats, move to your own wallet, and HODL.

Financial advice for new bitcoiners
Source: Unknown
How to invest in crypto
Source: Unknown
Bitcoiners create bull markets. Shitcoiners create bear markets.
Earliest Verifiable Source: Unknown
Is Bitcoin a pyramid scheme?
Source: Unknown
You just need to HODL Bitcoin
Source: Unknown
Understanding of cryptocurrencies
Source: Unknown
Hodlers have been marked safe from shitcoins today
Source: Jon Hodl

Bitcoin Orange Pill Memes

Professor X trying to orange pill his friends and family before it's too late
Earliest Verifiable Source: RD_BTC

Bitcoin Vs. Gold Memes

Bitcoin has been compared a lot to gold but we don’t live in the metal ages anymore. We live in the digital age of information. Gold is money from times past. Bitcoin is the money of the future.

Gold's "intrinsic value" is just a shiny pet rock
Source: Unknown
Converted the pot of gold into bitcoin
Source: Unknown

You're hiding your seed phrase in your head aren't you?

Gold is for fools

Political Bitcoin Memes

Bitcoin and Politicians
Earliest Verifiable Source: Unknown

Assorted Bitcoin Memes

Bitcoin is absolute digital scarcity

Hyperbitcoinization By Any Memes Necessary

If you have the memes necessary to fight the status quo and arm the plebs with the tools they need to orange pill their friends and families as well as dunk on fiat shills, send us your best and we will host them here so that the entire world can use them to bring us one step closer to hyperbitcoinization.

Best Meme Communities

In the true peer-to-peer nature of bitcoin, memes get shared all across dozens of different platform. Telegram, Twitter, Nostr, websites, forums, and just about anywhere else we can find to send messages to each other. If you need some dank bitcoin memes to share with your friends or to piss off your boomer uncle at Christmas, these meme communities are the best places to get your fix of toxic orange pill treasure.

Reddit: r/BitcoinMemes
My Personal Bitcoin meme stash

Claim Source Attribution

If you are the original source of one of the memes on this page, reach out to Jon Hodl on Twitter or Nostr and he will credit you the next time this page is updated. The earliest verifiable meme source will receive the source credit and link to their Tweet or Nostr note.